Autism Spectrum Disorder

Tips for Developing Your Child’s Speech and Language Skills

Birth – 6 Months

  • Check your baby’s hearing (e.g., professionally screen your child, use a rattle or small bell and/or see if he responds to voice when awakened).
  • Talk and sing to your baby.
  • Repeat sounds your baby makes and attempt to engage it in a game of sounds.
  • Model new sounds for your baby to hear and eventually produce.
  • Read to your baby.

CONTACT us if your infant does not seem to be reaching many of the birth-6 month milestones or if he/she does not seem to be progressing at a rate similar to other children.

6 – 12 Months

  • Keep talking to your baby.
  • Share pictures with your baby (e.g., Family members, kids in daycare, etc.).
  • Try to avoid excessive use of pacifiers (This may inhibit attempts to communicate).
  • Play games like peek a boo. (6-9 months).
  • Reinforce babbling by imitating your baby and by turning babble into real words (e.g., That’s right, mamama. There’s mama over there.).

CONTACT us if your infant/toddler does not seem to be reaching many of the 12-24 month milestones or if he/she does not seem to be progressing at a rate similar to other children.

12 – 24 Months

  • If your toddler has not spoken her first words by 18 months have his/her hearing tested by an audiologist.
  • If your toddler has not spoken at least 10 words by 18 months, CONTACT us.
  • Sing a variety of songs, which encourage participation.
  • Pause and give your toddler a chance to get his/her words out to speak.
  • Engage your toddler in conversation to encourage use of new words and listening.
  • Do not force your toddler to talk (Repeated commands to talk may inhibit him/her).
  • Encourage talking within the context of situations (e.g., Say bye-bye when someone is leaving.)
  • Read to your toddler!!!!!

CONTACT us if your toddler does not seem to be reaching many of the 12-24 month milestones or if he/she does not seem to be progressing at a rate similar to other children.

2 – 3 years

  • Provide a learning environment full of variety and love.
  • Keep reading!!!
  • Have your child’s hearing tested if he/she does not seem to be reaching many of the 2-3 year old milestones or if he/she does not seem to be progressing at a rate similar to other children.

CONTACT us if your child does not seem to be reaching many of the 2-3 year milestones or if he/she does not seem to be progressing at a rate similar to other children.

3 – 5 Years

  • Nurture your child’s interest in the world. Go exploring.
  • Wait patiently for your child to finish speaking.
  • Do not pretend to have all of the answers.
  • Go to the library together.
  • Have your child’s hearing tested if he/she does not seem to be reaching many of the 3-5 year old milestones or if he/she does not seem to be progressing at a rate similar to other children.

CONTACT us if your toddler does not seem to be reaching many of the 3-5 year old milestones or if he/she does not seem to be progressing at a rate similar to other children.